Create More, Stress Less
I feel like I haven’t written a blog post in so long and that’s probably because it’s true… I get so wrapped up in the daily life commitments and career building that I sometimes forget about the little things that bring me joy which is exactly why this topic is so near and dear to my heart!
Creating, crafting, building, cooking, painting, sewing, drawing, reading, writing - these are all so beneficial for stress management but the truth is, sometimes there is no time in your busy schedule for these things. Look, I totally get it - life gets in the way sometimes but I try and practice this motto at home to remind myself that there is more to life than work and consuming things. The motto I speak of is; less scrolling, more doing… which translates to - get off your phone (it’s not good for you to be doom scrolling especially in this day and age) and make something with all of that energy you have left in the day. It’s very beneficial for you in so many ways but in one particular way I’ve found and that’s reducing my stress level.
For example; right now, it’s 10:01am on a Thursday and I came into the office early for a conference call, to catch up on emails, and set my day up for success. I feel I’ve done the best job I can at that, so instead of hopping on my phone or diving further into the parts of my day that feel never ending, I’m writing this blog post. I can already feel myself relaxing a bit, the sunshine is just peeking out from behind a cloud, and I am savouring the moment where I can utilize my creative super-powers. Pure bliss.
Earrings I made in 2022 - self taught, supplies from a local Indigenous bead store called Culture Shock Bead Co.
Also if you know anything about me or my business, productivity is almost orgasmic for me (sorry for putting it that way but like honestly… I love it). I thrive on being productive and creating things is a form of productivity because it not only reduces stress which I mentioned above but also typically at the end of whatever I’m working on there is progress made or better yet, I have something tangible that I can stare at and be really proud of.
Other reasons, I suggest working more creation into your life is because most times handmade is WAY better than mass produced. Have you ever made cookies at home and then gone and bought a tube of crappy cookie dough? Compare the two and you will promptly know what I mean by the previous statement. There is also a little sliver of sustainability that comes from handmade things. Less waste, less supporting large corporations (typically) and most importantly more sentimental value.
Also hey, who knows, maybe that creation turns into a business and people want to start picking up what you’re putting out there. The world is your oyster, not everything has to turn a profit but I feel like for most creative businesses, this idea of selling your goods is what prompted them to start a business anyway and there is nothing wrong with making a little bit more income to support the hobby.
One more reason, I believe in the value of creating and that’s because you can NEVER have enough skills. Do I master everything I try to learn? No BUT I will certainly try to get as good at it as I can. When I was in public school and high-school, I got really into sewing. I would make my own pillows, bedding, bags, even sometimes clothes. As I got older, I fell out of sewing because I was a busy college student working two jobs to keep myself in school and then hopped into a very chaotic industry. With that being said, I still know how to use a machine and it’s now something on my radar to get back into because I have the skills learned a billion years ago on how to do it.
So if you don’t know how to find the time or will to do these things, here are my top tips for you to get back to creating;
Schedule time in. Sometimes you can’t be spontaneous because the ol’ calendar is already full to the brim with sh*t. Set aside 1 hour a week to work on something. It can be a project that will take months or as simple as trying out a new recipe.
Partner up. If you feel like you need a buddy to keep you from straying away from making things, ask someone to join you. They will be excited you did (trust me) but also it will keep you accountable for doing the thing you said you would do. I also like to host craft nights with friends, it’s a good way to catch up and make things (which as we get older, I feel we miss out on time with friends).
Pop into a crafting store (small business if you can find one in your area) and pick-up some supplies to try something out. You don’t have to know exactly what it is your making but talk to someone who can tell you what you may need to create something.
Browse Pinterest, the land of DIY and creative expression.
Look at your home, look at your walls, look at your closet, look around at your surroundings. What could you craft that would be beneficial to your space whether that’s something you can use or even something to amp up the vibes. Check out your surroundings and you will be surprised at what you come up with (AKA just made my husband help me hang a gallery wall to showcase my past mini paintings, travel photos, some cute artwork I picked up as well as some vintage family heirloom cross-stitched pieces).
Last tip which isn’t a tip, it’s a requirement and that’s to HAVE FUN and don’t stress.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, not everything you produce is going to be superb.
Sometimes it’s not about the end result but the journey to get there friends.
Happy creating my fellow creators!
Ps. if you liked this blog or have something cool you would like to see featured on our page, hit a girl up (that girl is me, hit me up).