How I Have My Most Productive Days
I always get told to have a good, great, sunny, fantastic, amazing, awesome or wonderful day but never a productive day… which to be completely honest, productivity is truly what I want and makes me very happy. Producing good work and juggling the daily tasks (peep the photo) brings me some sort of inner peace and puts me in an incredible mood to just be my best self. People often talk about self care… but have we talked about the power of productivity?
Now I’m not going to say that everyday is productive and I’m not some sort of wizard that finishes my to-do list consistently because some days I finish one or two tasks off that list but you know what, progress is better than nothing right? A million small steps is just as good as one massive leap in my eyes. I think this topic can often get confused or lumped in with Hustle/Grind culture. I’m not talking about working 24/7 to complete all your tasks, I’m simply talking about the positive impact that crossing tasks off your daily or weekly lists can bring. I could go on and on as someone who used to overwork herself and then when I was done my list, felt completely exhausted and too tired to do anything but that’s really not the focus for this blog… I want to offer my biggest tips for having REALLY good productive days… almost everyday!
The day before, plan your lunch and some snacks out. Whether you are packing a lunch and some snacks or are ordering in food, have a plan in mind because it will set you up for success tomorrow. You will be hungry and you will need to eat.
Start your day with something when you first wake up that brings you joy. I don’t care if that’s putting on music or a good podcast, doing a morning work-out, snuggling with your pets (this is my instant happiness) or making a gourmet coffee. Do the thing.
Put some food or even just some water in your body if you’re not a breakfast person, get it hydrated and feeling good.
Get dressed in an outfit you feel confident in but maybe not something that’s really uncomfortable. I fall victim to this like weekly when I wear tight fitting jeans. Feeling confident here is key because confidence will boost that mood and produce some good endorphins running through your blood.
Prep your workspace with writing utensils, technology devices, chargers, headphones, air-pods, whatever you like to do while working. Also think about charging things up the night before, once again setting yourself up for success the next day.
Put your phone on a “focus” mode or a “do-not disturb mode” - to be honest, that’s one of my fav IPhone/Android features that has come out in the past couple years.
Make sure where you’re sitting or working is comfortable. Comfy shoes and maybe a stress mat would make standing for long periods of time much more bearable. If you’re sitting, I recommend a cushion on your chair or even a standing desk, it can help you maintain comfort by switching positions around.
Keep a glass of water and/or other beverages nearby (be careful with liquids around your computer and work zone… I had a bad incident with a hot “fancy” coffee and my laptop… RIP).
Have something you can fiddle around with if you’re having a creative/mental block. I have a tennis ball in my desk that I will bounce around on the wall a bit when I’m feeling like I’m stuck. I also have a large paperclip obsession (large only, don’t come at me with the tiny paperclips) and I separate them from being tangled. Keeps my mind busy but not intently focusing on the roadblock in my mind.
Shut yourself off to the things around you, avoid those distractions. Working from home? Go to a room that’s quiet and cozy. In an office setting, avoid conversations and interactions that you don’t need to be having at that exact moment or kindly tell your co-workers that you’re trying to get tasks done. If you’re a good multi-tasker, feel free to do multiple things at once… but only if you’re actually good at multi-tasking (I like to do laundry when I work from home).
Plan to take a lunch break or maybe a few snack breaks (sometimes I don’t break from working but I will work and snack at the same time… not always healthy but I’m a designer not a nutritionist hahaha).
Finally my last tip is find some inspiration for your day. Whether that’s a lovely framed family photo on your desk of a great time with your family or friends, a magazine clipping of a hot tropical vacation you’re looking forward to taking one day, or even a Pinterest board on tacos that you could make for dinner. Find something that keeps you motivated and inspired!
We all have our good days and our bad days but if you’re like me and productivity is a mood booster, try some of my tips!
It will set you up for a successful day of doing good work and checking things off your never-ending to-do list… which makes me think that life is just a never ending to-do list, isn’t it?
Thanks for reading and have a super productive day my friend!