The Power Of Using Your Voice

Hello and welcome to existing readers and new-comers!

My name is Markie Tuckett, I am a Métis woman, business owner/entrepreneur, avid hobbyist, and a big dreamer. I have been using my biggest super power for a long time but it has come to my attention recently (self realization) that using my voice is the most influential thing I’ve done in my career. Some people refer to this as a form of “manifestation” but I don’t just visualize myself doing the things I want, I work towards those big hairy audacious goals (in the words of Jillian Harris) by taking small steps and I use my voice to tell others what I want for myself in life (and okay, I talk to myself too).
Sharing my list of things I want to accomplish has become somewhat of a therapy for me as it’s the way I realize how far I’ve come. It was probably around February of this year that I looked at the word document I’ve been working on for 5 years and printed it out and taped it to the empty wall in my workstation at the office. It was at this point that I realized that I had accomplished so much of what I set out to do… and because I barely celebrated the wins and didn’t always have my “next” idea I was feeling a bit lost. For context and because I’m beaming with pride my list kind of looked like this;

  • Host multiple women’s “connecting” events (the last Summer one at The Dotte was such a success)

  • Take a personal development course for the year (the course I chose was Jam Gamble’s Slay the Mic - highly recommend)

  • Land a blog partnership (Endy Blog)

  • Be featured in a magazine (hello Entrecur magazine)

  • Rebrand the business (thanks to my friend Sarah at Fin Designs)

  • Meet Jillian Harris in person because she’s a huge idol for me (last September I crazily enough won a ticket to Academy at the Farm and that dream came true… I even have a photo for proof)

There is so much more I could add to this list but these are ones that are the most interesting (I don’t think NOT excessively washing my hair everyday is necessarily an celebratory goal) but yeah, these are some of the ones I’ve been dreaming of and talking about for years and all of which have come true!

Do I think that I’m super lucky? Kind of. Do I think that I’m a hard-worker? Sometimes! Do I think that by saying what I want out-loud has brought me closer to my goals? Absolutely!

I not only use my voice within my business to get what I desire but I also use it in personal life. I have been working daily on using my voice within all of my relationships and I’ve noticed that it’s given me a clear indication if the people in my life are serving me and if there is an equal exchange of energy within these relationships. It’s really been an eye-opening couple of years to be frank about it.

So in the spirit of sharing my intentions for my business and myself and saying what I want into existence, I thought I would share a couple new goals for the next five years or so and tell you how I came up with these.

  • Land 1-2 major brand partnerships (I’m talking women’s clothing brands, small appliance brands or a cook-ware line… ahem Presidents Choice, Ninja, Lagostina, I’ve got some great ideas. I also could get into retreat experiences and showcasing those as well).

  • Speaking at more events and on more podcasts (I think I’ve vastly improved in this area thanks to Jam and Slay the Mic Cohort 7!)

  • Start my own podcast… I’ve been talking about this in private for quite some time and I keep losing the confidence to do it because of time constraints and I’m not so savvy on editing audio.

  • Learn more about my culture and what it means to be Métis and be able to share that knowledge with others.

  • Renovate and enlarge our current home OR move into a bigger home and renovate that one.

  • Focus on growing my team within my business to help me meet these lofty goals.

I used to think that people who set BIG intentions for themselves are “dreamers” and it’s silly to dream SO big because most of life’s opportunities come down to luck and playing small is so much safer. Well I was wrong and the small goals didn’t excite me the way the big ones do.

So next time you’re working on your goals list , I encourage you to;

  1. Write them out on paper or in your phone or in a journal, the importance here is getting them out of your head and onto something legible.

  2. Consider categorizing your objectives and that could look something like; career, personal, and for pleasure/fun.

  3. Put a date or timeline next to these goals. This isn’t so you can make a mad dash towards them and if you don’t complete them by this date that you are a failure. Instead this is so you have something to work towards because putting a date next to something is an indicator that it will happen!

  4. Put that goals list somewhere where you will see it (not everyday but maybe multiple times a week). I printed mine out and it’s beside my laptop on my desk. I also have a copy in my phone (just in case something ever happened to the paper). The more you see it, the more you will think about it.

  5. Lastly share those goals with others whether that’s your partner, best friend, another entrepreneur or work colleague, a stranger at the grocery store, or even just record yourself saying it and play it back for yourself. Saying the words out-loud not only brings it into existence (well for me it does) but it gets the creative juices flowing and gets not only you excited about something but perhaps the person you’re sharing it with.

    The last comment I’ll make on this is that I recommend going over your goals list every couple months or so because when you check something off your list and keep checking things off, eventually you will have nothing left on that list. I’m terrible at dreaming up new ideas and when I’ve done this to myself I ended up feeling a bit lost after meeting completing something because I had nothing “new” to work towards and look to the future for.

    Anyways, I’m no motivational speaker (or am I?) but I hope this is the quick pep talk you needed to start working on that vision you have for yourself.

Happy planning my friends!



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